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Cell Transport

In Inglés

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active transport

cell utilizes ATP energy

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Cell Transport - Detalles



40 preguntas
Active transport
Cell utilizes ATP energy
Passive transport
Does not utilize ATP energy (osmosis and diffusion)
Movement of molecules from a region of high concentration to low concentration (concentration gradient, temp, molecular weight, and pressure)
The diffusion of water; water equalizes concentration; cell gets bigger, smaller, or stays the same (hypo, hyper, iso)
All molecules are
Moving (randomly)
Equal concentration [=]
Concentrated kool aid vs dilute kool aid
Lots of solute (kool aid) vs lots of solvent (water)
What happens if there is a greater concentration of oxygen outside the cell
Oxygen should move into the cell until equalibrium
What things pass through the membrane
Small and nonpolar (hydrophobic)
Can speed up diffusion by
Increasing the temp (heating) or changing the shape
Because of protein channels/aquaporins
All cell membrane are permeable to water
NaCl (salt)
Can't pass through cell membrane so water goes outside the membrane to it; pulls water out of a cell and preserves food b/ bacteria needs moisture
Always moves towards salt
High concentration on the outside; water moves outside; cell dehydration (smaller)
Higher concentration on the inside; water moves inside; cell becomes larger
Same concentration on inside and outside; water moves both ways; equilibrium
Hypertonic (animals)
Kidneys regulate; increase water consumption
Hypotonic (animals)
Kidneys and urine; contractile vacuole (pumps water out-active transport)
Kink in phospholipid means
Unsaturated; liquid at room temp
Membrane wants to be
Fluid; viscosity is bad b/ things (O2) can't pass through; permeability of oxygen goes down
As temperature decreases
Add more unsaturated fats
Cholesterol (animals only)
Acts as a buffer (creates barriers in the cell membrane which prevents it from moving too fast in order to maintain viscosity); too cold - prevents them from sticking together to maintain fluidity
Why do plants not need cholesterol
Plants don't need it; they make sterols and they can go dormnet at call temps
Cholesterol and health
Sticks to arteries and causes it to get smaller causing a heart attack
Low density lipoproteins
Bad; no covering
High density lipoproteins
Good; wrapped with proteins
Unsaturated hydrocarbon tails
Saturated hydrocarbon tails
Why does a cell have a receptor
When molecule sits on receptor, it sends a signal to the nucleus (makes protein channels)
Doesn't affect size of cell or oxygen; can diffuse
1st question
Can the molecule pass through the membrane if it does---go from high to low until it reaches equilibrium (or doesn't because the cell is using it)
Cell size doesn't matter
If it diffuses through
Sodium potassium pump
3 sodium out; 2 potassium in (nerve cell do it to have concentration gradient); goes from low to high and uses energy (against concentration gradient)
Co-transport of sucrose
Won't go through without HYDROGEN ION (which must have concentration gradient--high to low)
Moves out