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this a for the course of human digestive system

In Inglés

Creado por:
Azmi Peshimam

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basic requirements of all living organisms


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75 preguntas
Major components of food
Carbs protein n fats
What does food provide us with n for what ?
*energy n organic material *growth n repair of tissue
Role of water in our body ?
*metabolic processes *prevents dehydration of the body
What is digestion ?
Complex food --------------> simple ABSORBABLE form
Digestion is carried out by which 2 methods ?
Mechanical n biochemical methods
The mouth first leads to ?
Oral /buccal cavity
Characteristics of human teeth
*thecodont *diphyodont *heterodont
Different type of dentation ?
Incisors , canine , premolars , molars
What does enamel help in ?
Mastication of food
Where is stomach located ?
Upper left portion of abdominal cavity
Parts of stomach
Cardiac fundus body pyloric
Parts of small intestine
*duodenum *jejunum *ileum
Points on caecum
*small blind sac *hosts symbiotic microorganism
Shape of vermiform appendix
Narrow finger like tubular projections
Parts of colon ?
Ascending transverse descending n sigmoid
Which parts open into rectum
Sigmoid / descending
Layers of alimentary canal
*serosa *muscularis *sub mucosa *mucosa
Serosa made up of ?
*smooth muscles *thin mesothelium
Mesothelium ?
Epithelium of visceral organs
Muscularis is made up of ?
Smooth muscles arranged into *inner circular *outer longitudinal
Sub mucosal layer is formed of ?
Loose connective tissues with nerves blood n lymph vessels
What does mucosa form in stomach ?
Irregualr folds (rugae) n villi (finger like projections )
Which modification increases the surface area ?
Brush border appearnce in small intestine
What are villi supplied with ?
Network of capillaries n lacteals (large lymph vessels )
Glands by mucosa
Gastric gland --- stomach crypts of lei ----small intestine (crypts r btw villi bases )
The three salivary glands
*parotids---cheek *sub maxillary/ mandible ---lower jaw *sub lingual---below tongue
Weight of liver
1.2 to 1.5 kg
Position of liver in the body ?
Abdominal cavity just below diaphragm
Each lobule is covered in ?
Glissons capsule (thin connective tissue sheath)
Gall bladder is ?
Thin muscular sac
What forms the common bile duct ?
Cystic duct + hepatic duct
Bile +pancreatic duct is ?
Common hepato-pancreatic duct
Where is pancreas situated ?
Btw the limbs of c shaped duodenum
Process of digestion is accomplished by ?
Mechanical n chemical process
Function of buccal cavity
*mastication of food *facilitation of swallowing
Function of teeth n tongue ?
With saliva masticate n mix up the food thoroughly
Fucntion of mucus in saliva ?
Lubricating n adhering the masticated food into bolus
Components of saliva
*electrolytes(Na , K , Cl,HCO3) *salivary enzymes *lysozyme
Role of lysozyme in saliva
Antibacterial agent that prevents infection
The 3 cells of gastric gland
*mucus neck cell *peptic or chief cell *parietal or oxyntic cell
Parietal or oxyntic cell
HCl n intrinsic factors
What is chyme ?
Bolus mixed with acidic gastric juice n churned