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Biology chapter 2 cells

In Inglés

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State the name of the structure in a cell where protein synthesis occurs.


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16 preguntas
State the names of the structures labelled P and R in Fig 6.1
P : rough endoplasmic reticulum/ ribosomes R: mitochondria
Complete the sentences with the most appropriate words. Enzymes are made of protein and act as .............................................. because they increase the rate of chemical reactions, but are not changed in those reactions. Amylase speeds up the digestion of .............................................. to .............................................. Trypsin continues the chemical digestion of protein begun by the enzyme .............................................. in the stomach. The optimum pH for pancreatic enzymes is greater than pH7. Bile is produced by the .............................................. and enters the small intestine, where it .............................................. stomach acid to provide the appropriate pH. Bile also breaks down fat by .............................................. to increase the surface area for the action of lipase.Catalysts ; starch ; maltose / glucose ; pepsin ; liver ; neutralises ; emulsification ;
State why xylem is a tissue.
Composed of (group of) cells with similar structures ; working together to perform shared functions ;
All animal cells have some common features. State two structural features common to all animal cells.
Nucleus / nucleolus / nuclear membrane ; cell membrane ; cytoplasm ; ribosomes ; mitochondria ; endoplasmic reticulum / ER ; vesicle / vacuole ;. AVP ;
Question in picture
Microvilli – E ; nucleus – A ; mitochondrion –C ;
State one function of the nucleus.
Stores / contains, chromosomes / genes / alleles / genetic information / DNA ; controls the (activity / reactions of the) cell ; controls how cells, develop / divide / reproduce / grow ; idea that it stores instructions for, making proteins / protein synthesis / making RNA ; AVP ;
Question in picture
Answer in picture
State why the palisade mesophyll is a tissue.
(group of) similar cells that, work together/ carry out a shared (named) function;
Explain why a leaf is an organ.
It is (made of a group of) tissues working together to perform specific function(s);
Skin is an organ. State why the skin is an organ.
(because it is made of) a group of tissues working together to perform specific functions ;
State one of the functions of a cell membrane.
Forms a barrier between the cell and its surroundings ; keeps contents of cell inside ; allows / controls /(movement of) substances, into/ out, of the cell/ across membrane ;