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Addictive Personality (Ch. 36)

In Inglés
Addictive Personality (Ch. 36)


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What are the four elements of addiction?

1. Excessive use or abuse of a substance 2. Display of psychological disturbance 3. Decline of social and economic function 4. Uncontrollable consumption of the substance (indicating dependence)

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Addictive Personality (Ch. 36) - Detalles



49 preguntas
What are the four elements of addiction?
1. Excessive use or abuse of a substance 2. Display of psychological disturbance 3. Decline of social and economic function 4. Uncontrollable consumption of the substance (indicating dependence)
What are the first areas of the brain affected by alcohol?
Higher centers of the brain, including frontal cortex
The urine of a heavy drinker contains increased amounts of:
Electrolytes (especially potassium) Magnesium Zinc
When do delirium tremens most often occur?
1-4 days after cessation of alcohol
What makes opioids highly addictive?
They replace natural endorphins in the CNS
What are the 3 types of opioid abusers?
1. Street abusers 2. Abusers of prescription drugs (medical sources) 3. Methadone abusers
List the symptoms of acute opioid overdose:
Severe respiratory distress Pinpoint pupils Stupor/coma
Why does THC accumulate in the body?
Because of its fat solubility
What are the signs and symptoms of Korsakoff syndrome?
Muttering Short-term memory loss Painful extremities Foot drop