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level: Level 1 of Siman 96

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1 of Siman 96

Fish broiled on a meat baking pan has a meat taste of nat bar nat. What about a sharp food cut with a meat knife?With the sharp food, there is no nat bar nat.
What are 2 possible differences between the case of fish broiled on a meat baking pan and sharp food cut with a meat knife?1) The sharpness draws out the taste directly (not just nat bar nat) 2) The knife is assumed to have a film on it, which goes directly into the food.
If the knife is not a ben yomo, is it still a problem? Who says what?The Mechaber brings 2 opinions. Rama and Shach are strict, and that is the halacha.
How far is the taste of the knife absorbed into the sharp food?L’chatchila, we are strict about the entire food. B’dieved, k’dei netila (width of a finger, i.e. 2 cm).
What is the halachic difference if an onion was cut with a kosher knife (i.e. meat) vs. a non-kosher knife?According to the Mechaber, there is no difference. According to the Rama, the non-kosher knife makes the onion chanan.
An onion that was 50 cc was diced with a knife that has a 10 cc blade. The onion was put into soup. How much soup do you need to nullify the onion in the following 2 cases: a) The knife was meat, the soup was milk b) The knife was non-kosher, the soup was koshera) 60 times the blade (60 times 10 cc) b) Rama: 60 times the onion (60 times 50 cc) Because the onion was chanan. Mechaber: 60 times the blade (60 times 10 cc)
The Gemoro in Avodah Zora says that chiltis cut with a knife absorbs the taste even if the knife was not a ben yomo. So how can the Maharam m’Rotenburg allow sharp items cut with a knife as long as it was not a ben yomo?He says that the Gemoro only applies to chiltis, because it is much sharper than anything else.