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level: specialised cell

Questions and Answers List

level questions: specialised cell

what does the RBC do?transports oxygen, contrains haemoglobin
how is the RBC specialisedbiconcave shape to increase the surface area to volume ratio, no nucleus to allow more haemoglobin
what do the ciliated cells containcilia (small hairs), sweep mucus into the mouth where it is swallowed
what does the sperm cells dofuses with egg cells (fertilisation) and the zygote is produced
how to the sperm cell specialisedflagellum enables it to swim, contains many mitochondria which release energy to power long journey, the head contains acrosomes which contain enzymes which break down the outer layers of the egg.
how is the ovum specialisedjelly coat outer layerr of egg changes once penetrated by sperm
how is the root hair cell specialisedhas root hair, increased surface area for aborbsion of water and mineral ions, water absorbed by osmosis
palisade mesophyll cell, how is it specialised?contain lots of chloroplasts which absorb light in photosynthesis anbd make sugar, they are densely packed to maximise absorbstion of light