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level: Conformity to social roles

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Conformity to social roles

Which psychologist performed an experiment testing whether people would conform to roles given to them and when did it start?Zimbardo-1971 (Stanley Prison Experiment)
What was the aim of Zimbardo's Stanley Prison Experiment?To investigate whether people would conform to the social role of a prison guard or prisoner when in a mock prison environment.​
What are the main procedural points of Zimbardo's Stanley Prison Experiment?Sample of 24 emotionally stable male university student volunteers. (psychologically screened)​. Participants were randomly allocated to play either a prison guard or prisoner. Prisoners were unexpectedly arrested at home, taken to the mock prison and then given a uniform and ID number. Guards were given uniforms, clubs and whistles and wore reflective sunglasses to prevent eye contact. Zimbardo played the role of Prison Superintendent.​ The study was planned to last two weeks.​
What are the findings of Zimbardo's Stanley Prison Experiment?Over the first few days the guards grew aggressive and abusive towards the prisoners, e.g. waking the prisoners up in the middle of the night and making them clean the toilet with their hands.​ Prisoners conformed to their social role, e.g. one asked for ‘parole’ rather than to withdraw from the experiment.​ 5 prisoners were released early due to extreme reactions – crying, rage and anxiety.​ Prisoners tried to rebel on day two, but guards quelled the rebellion with fire extinguishers and introducing solitary confinement. Prisoners then grew submissive.​ The study was terminated after only 6 days due to potential harm to participants.​
Evaluation of Zimbardo's study in terms of validity, sample, reliability and ethics.. + Zimbardo believed that the guards acted the way they did due to situational factors (e.g. lack of training, boredom, no accountability) that were seen in Abu Ghraib