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level: Crop Nutrition

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Crop Nutrition

What is the form of uptake of the element C by plants?CO₂ from atmosphere
What is the major constitute of organic matter?CO₂
How much dry weight of a plant can CO₂ account for?up to 40%
What is the form of uptake of the element H by plants?Soil, water and leaf
What is the major function of H in a plant?It is linked with C in all organic compounds
What is a symptom of an H deficiency?Wilting and lack of leaf turgor
What is the form of uptake of the element O by plants?1. CO₂ and H₂O. 2. O₂ during root respiration
What is the major function of O in plants?Essential with C in carboxylic groups and with H in oxidation
What is the form of uptake of the element N by plants?Nitrates NO₃⁻ and Ammonium NH₄⁺
What is the major function of N in plants?It is the essential constitute of cell compounds eg. proteins and chlorophyll
What are the symptoms of a N deficiency?1. Older leaves become senile prematurely (yellow/brown colour) 2. Spindly plants lacking vigour are dwarfed 3. Pale coloured and tillerless