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level: Level 1

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level questions: Level 1

1 practical application of knowledge 2 Application of organized knowledge and skills in the form of devices, medicines, vaccines, procedures and systems developed to solve a health problem, and to improve quality of life1 Technology 2 Health Technology
Three ways to describe health technology include its:1 physical nature 2 purpose 3 stage of diffusion
PHYSICAL NATURE refers to category that being offered or used by the subjecs. these categories are interdependent/related/connected Main categories involve:● Drugs ● Biologics ● devices/equipments/supplies ● medical and surgical procedures ● public health programs ● support system ● organizational and managerial systems
Purpose of application (Health Technology)1 Prevention 2 Screening 3 Diagnosis 4 Treatment 5 Rehabilitation 6 Palliation PSD TRP
1 protect against disease by preventing it from occurring, reducing the risk of its occurrence, or limiting its extentor sequelae (e.g., immunization, hospital infection control program, fluoridated water supply) 2 detect a disease, abnormality, or associated risk factors in asymptomatic people (e.g., Pap smear, tuberculin test,screening mammography, serum cholesterol testing)1 Prevention 2 Screening
1 identify the cause and nature or extent of disease in a person with clinical signs or symptoms (e.g., electrocardiogram, serological test for typhoid, x-ray for possible broken bone) 2 intended to improve or maintain health status or avoid further deterioration (e.g., antiviral therapy, coronary artery bypass graft surgery, psychotherapy)1 Diagnosis 2 Treatment
1 restore, maintain or improve a physically or mentally disabled person's function and well-being (e.g., exercise program for post-stroke patients, assistive device for severe speech impairment, incontinence aid) 2 improve the quality of life of patients, particularly for relief of pain, symptoms, discomfort, and stress of serious illness, as well as psychological, social, and spiritual problems. provided for progressive, incurable disease1 Rehabilitation 2 Palliation
STAGE OF DIFFUSION: Technologies may be assessed at different stages of diffusion and maturity. In general, health care technologies may be DESCRIBED AS BEING:1 Future 2 Experimental 3 Investigational 4 Established 5 Obsolete/outmoded/abandoned FE IE O
1 in a conceptual stage/planning stage, anticipated, or in the earliest stages of development 2 undergoing bench or laboratory testing using animals or other models1 Future 2 Experimental
1 undergoing INITIAL CLINICAL (i.e., in humans) EVALUATION for a particular condition or indication 2 considered by clinicians to be a STANDARD APPROACH to a particular condition or indication and diffused into general use1 Investigational 2 Established
superseded by other technologies or demonstrated to be ineffective or harmfulObsolete/outmoded/abandoned
FACTORS that REINFORCE THE MARKET for Health Technology● Strong or growing economies ● Aging populations ● Advances in science and engineering ● Provider competition to offer state-of-the-art technology ● Increasing prevalence of chronic diseases ● Emerging pathogens and other disease threats ● Intellectual property, especially patent protection ● Third-party payment, fee-for-service payment ● Financial incentives of technology companies, clinicians, hospitals, and others ● Public demand driven by direct-to-consumer advertising, mass media reports, social media, and consumer awareness and advocacy ● Off-label use of drugs, biologics, and devices ● “Cascade” effects of unnecessary tests, unexpected results, or patient or physician anxiety ● Clinician specialty training at academic medical centers ● Malpractice avoidance
Health Technology Assessment● Medicines ● Medical device ● Vaccines ● Procedures and systems MM VP
refers to the the SYSTEMATIC EVALUATION of properties, effects, and/or impacts of health-related technology which utilizes a multidisciplinary process to evaluate the clinical, economic, organizational social, and ethical issues of a health intervention or health technology - WHO application of organized knowledge and skills to solve a health problem and improve quality of life. main purpose is to inform policymaking for technology in health care may address the direct, intended, indirect, & unintended consequences of technologies conducted by interdisciplinary groups using explicit analytical frameworksHealth technology assessment (HTA)
Purpose of Health Technology Assessment (HTA)1 Regulatory agencies about whether to permit the commercial use (e.g., marketing) of a drug 2 Payers about technology coverage and reimbursement 3 Clinicians and patients about the appropriate use of health care interventions 4 Health professional associations about the role of a technology 5 health care organizations about decisions regarding technology acquisition and management
3 Basic orientation of HTA1 Technology-oriented assessments 2 Problem-oriented assessments 3 Project-oriented assessments TPP
are intended to determine the characteristics or impacts of particular technologies. ex. a government agency may want to determine the clinical, economic, social, professional, or other impacts of cochlear implants, cervical cancer screeningTechnology-oriented assessments
focus on solutions or strategies for managing a particular disease, condition, or other problem for which alternative or complementary technologies might be used.Problem-oriented assessments
focus on a local placement or use of a technology in a particular institution, program, or other designated project.Project-oriented assessments