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level: 20th Jan.

Questions and Answers List

level questions: 20th Jan.

Ben Tv izledim.I watched Tv.
Ben piyano çaldım.I played piano.
Ben müzik dinledim.I listened to music.
Ben soru sordum.I asked a question.
Ben İstanbulda yaşadım.I lived in İstanbul.
Ben uzunumI am tall
Ben uzundum.I was tall.
Ben kısaydım.I was short.
Ben şışmandım.I was fat.
Ben yorgundum.I was tired.
Ben açtım.I was hungry.
Ayşe açtı.Ayşe was hungry.
Ali yorgundu.Ali was tired.
Köpek açtı.dog was hungry.
Susadım.I was thirsty.
Onlar güzeldiler.They were beautiful.
Sen kötüydün.You were bad.
Sen gençtin.You were young.
Biz tembeldik.We were lazy.
Ben bir kaleme ihtiyaç duydum.I needed a pencil.
Ben pastayı sevdim.I liked cake.
Ben çikolata istedim.I wanted chocolate.
Ben yürüdüm.I walked.
Ben dün yürüdüm.I walked yesterday.
Ben dün parkta yürüdüm.I walked in the park yesterday.
Ben bir kitaba başladım.I started a book.
Ben soru sordum.I asked question.
Ben soru çözdüm.I solved question.
Ben soruyu tekrarladım.I repeated question.
Dün çalıştımI worked yesterday.