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level: Psychodyanmic explanation

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level questions: Psychodyanmic explanation

Where does the morals come from?From the child's same-sex parents (Oedipus model - during the Phallic stage), they indentify with the father and try to model thier behaviour
What is a weak superego?The same seex parent is absent during the phallic stage - child cannot internalise a fully-formed superego bc there is no opportunity for idenitification. This would make immoral or criminal behaviour more likely
What is a deviant superego?The superego that the child internalises has immoral or deviant values, leads to offending behaviour. Eg: boy raised on a criminal means they are not likely to associate guilt with wrongdoing
What is a over-harsh superego?An overlay-harsh superego can cause anxiety and cripple someone with guilt. This may (unconsciously) drive an individual to perform criminal acts in order to satisfy the superego's overwhelming need for punishment.
What is a weakness of the psychodynamic theory?-Lack face validity -According to the weak superego, all children with absent same-sex parents are more likley to be criminals. This is not the case as same-sex families and single-parent families are not more likely to raise criminals, there is statisical link showing that this socially sensitive towards these groups, -Accordining to the over-harsh superego theory, parents who are strict raise obedient and guilt-ridden children. This can be seen to be not the casen, rather they are rebellious and sneaky towards their parents, not guilty. -Accordining to the deivant superego theory, parents who are criminals will cause their children to internalise, rather a better explaning is the SLT where children look up to thier parents in their environment
A weakness of the superego theory ?-This can be seen to be gender biased -Freud stated that boys had a subconscious drive to have sex with their mum, however, they didn't act on it due to the fear being castrated by their fathers, causing to the identify with them instead. -This can be seen to be less of a problem for the girls seeing as there is nothing to castrate, meaning that there there is not castration-anxiety to drive to internalised the superego, meaning they have a weaker superego. This means that they are more likely to commit crimes -This can be seen to support the internal statistic of the gender splits in the prison, for example, in the UK it can be seen to 20x more men in prison than women.