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level: Atavistic form (historical approach)

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Atavistic form (historical approach)

What was Lombroso's theory?1876 - suggested that criminals were 'genetic throwbacks' and primitve sub-species who were biologically differen to non-criminals They have innate tendency and lack evolutionary development, they were savage and can't fit into society.
What was the aim and method of Lombroso's research?Aim: establish a biological link to explain offender profiling Method: examined the facial and cranial features of 383 dead criminals and 3839 living ones
What was the findings of Lombroso's research?Criminals behaviour are biologically determined. Criminals are physically different, 40% of criminals would be accounted for by the atavistic form
Examples of atavistic characteristics? (5)-Strong jaw -Dark skin -Insensitivty to pain (tattoos and pericings) -High cheekbones + sloping brow
What would murders have? (3)Bloodshot eyes, curly hair and long ears
What would divants have? (3)Glinting eyes, swollen/fleshy lips, projecting ears
Strength of the atavistic approach?-Lombroso made significant contributions to the field of criminiology -Known as the ‘father of criminology’ as he was the first to scientifically look at offender profiling. -Less previous idea of ‘weak morals’ causing crime and more towards scientific approach, looking at genetic and evolutionary influences – removing blame from offender. -Despite the flaws, it signalled the start of a new scientific field of research: positivist criminology
A weakness of atavistic form?-Critics draw attention to the racial undertones of Lombroso's work. -Outlined several atavistic forms of a criminal can be seen to be racist stereotypes at the time, which were mainly associated of an African descent. This can be seen through the features such as: dark skin, thick lips, curly hair which reflects racism within Italy at the time he was working. -Described atavistic form as ‘uncivilised, primitive + savage’ - could support eugenics philosophy that were prominent at the time. -May have been unintentional on Lombroso's part, but it has ethical implications that have overshadowed the approach
A weakness of the atavistic form?-Issues with methodology -Lombroso did not compare sample to non-criminal control group - if he had, there may not have been so many different features. Also likely to have non-criminals with an atavistic form. It is unclear as to whether facial characters cause offedngin or vice versa. -High cheekbones/strong jaw could have been due to poor diet/povery which again are confounding variables -Hard to establish cause and effect relationship between atavistic form and criminals due this data - low internal validity