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level: Influence of early attachment on childhood & adult relationships

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Influence of early attachment on childhood & adult relationships

What did Kerns find with attachment type linked to quality of peer relationships?Found that securely attached infants are more likely to form a best friendships whereas insecurely attached infants have problems with making or maintaining friendships.
What did Rowan-Wilson and Smith find about attachment in bullying?They found in their study of 196 children aged 7-11 that secure children were less likely to be involved with bullying. Insecure-avoidant children were more likely to be bullied and insecure-resistant children most likley to be bullies
What did Bailey find about parenting with attachment types? (Adult relationships)Found that 99 mothers that studied using the strange situation, the majority of women had the same attachment style to their mother as to their own baby
What did McCarthy find about romantic with attachment types? (Adult relationships)Studied 40 adult women who had been assessed in infancy to establish their attachment type. Securely attachmented infants had the best friendships and romantic relationships Insecure-resistant infants had particular problems maintaining adult friendships but insecure-avoidant had problmes with intimacy in romantic relationships
What was Hazan and Shaver's love quiz designed to do?To test Bowlby's internal working model if attachment styles can influence friendships and adult relationships in later life. Questionnaire printed in a local American Newspaper
What did Hazan and Shaver get in response from the sample (name the number) analysed?620 responses were analysed. 205 from men and 415 from women 42% were married 31% were dating
What were the questions in the love quiz finding?Asked about the individual's most important relationships, their general experiences of love and how they felt in relation to some given statements
What attachment types did the love quiz find?56% were secure 25% were insecure-avoidant 19% insecure-resistant Proportions of secure/insecure infants were similar to studies by Ainsworth.
A strength of attachment on childhood and adult relationships?-Fearon and Roisman conducted a review of evidene linking attachment to later development and concluded that early attachment consistently predicts later attachment, emotional well-being and attachment to own children -How strong the relationship is between early attachment type and later development depends on the attachment type and aspects of later development. With disorganised attached being strongly associated with later mental disorder -However, not all evidence supports this. EG: Becker-stoll followed 43 people from 1-16 and found no evidence of continuity - casting doubt to the extent which the prediction can be true
A weakness of attachment on childhood and adult relationships?-Reserach with the influence of attachment and the role of the workign model must play is only correlational -Whilst an association has been found by multiple researchers indicating the quality of later relationships is heavily influenced by attachment type of infnacy, this does not determine causality -Fraley found that correlations were not always positive strong ones, correlation coefficients ranging from +1.0 to +5.0 -Means that correlational reserach in this area is not very reliable due to an unstable array of results
A weakness of attachment on childhood and adult relationships?-Criticism is that reaserch into early attachment is that it is overly deterministic in the assumptions it makes -Research into the impact of attachment type of childhood and adult relationships have very set views on the outcome for future behaviour -Eg: an infant with an insecure attachment type will be doomed to experience poor quality and unsatisfying relationships in later life as a result of the internal working model -Taking this approach suggests that there is no room for an alternative path to unfold. Reserach has, in fact, documented instances of happy relationships in adulthood despite a troublesome start meaning Bowlby has overestimated the role of the internal working model
A weakness of attachment on childhood and adult relationships?-Methdological issues with assessing attachment type retrospectivley -Much reserarch, including the 'Love Quiz' by Hazan and Shaver, rely on self-reports from adult ppts about their memories from infancy and childhood -Recollection from years gone by are likely to be impaired and any answers provided may lack accuracy due to deterioration which lowers the internal validity of findings -Problem is furthur compounded by the possibility that individuals may not report honestly or even have insight into their own template of expectations since the internal working model is an unconscious framework.