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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

The accident was the result of a ……………………… failure to consider the risks involved. (culprit)culpable
The accident was the result of a ……………………… failure to consider the risks involved. (culprit)culpable
Though Yuki didn't want to come in with her, Yuno looked ……………………… right in the wedding dress which made him blushed. (possess)prepossessing
Positive effects of being a ___ child include independence and self-reliance. (key)latchkey
The President authorizes the ____________ (judge) use of military force to protect our citizens.judicious
But with them he could be violent, abusive, _____, a Lothario of the highest order. (double)duplicitous
The contradictions in the Clinton policy were _____ described in a recent article by Robert Kagan, a former Reagan administration official. (trench)trenchantly
33. His library displayed ____of mementos from different parts of the world, a lifetime of traveling. (cell)miscellanea
34. Jermaine Jackson slammed such reports as misleading and "_____". (sense)sensationalist
She was once a pretty young lady, but turned into a scarred witch after continuous ……………………… (figure)disfigurement
The movie is a moral tale about a ……………………… who dies and is reborn as a beautiful woman, for that he hates women so much (gynecology)misogynist
An old industrial plant is always ……………………… with a rapidly developing international metropolis city, and then it is not long before its gradual disappearance. (harmony)inharmonious
The works are beguilingly small, and in clean acrylic colours on canvas, have a ……………………… kaleidoscopic effect, which is dizzying in its intensity. (phantasy)phantasmagorical
The land is under the ……………………… of the people who use it. (guard)guardianship
So the classroom has to get ……………………… and transcend to the life world so as to give the classroom vitality and energy. (vivace)revivified
Aircraft production continued to plod along at an ……………………… slow pace. (agony)agonizingly
Coffee houses flourished as meeting points for endless discussions of the latest news, indulging in raucous disagreements and for the ……………………………… business of buying and selling insurance ships, stocks and commodities. (lucre)lucrative
Hence, the commander had to beg, cajole, and ……………………… authorities of three nations to get what he needed. (beat)browbeat
Staff felt as if they had been ……………………… when they discovered the new management’s plans. (wink)hoodwinked
It will be very adjuvant for you to ……………………… the meeting so you have time to play golf (short)foreshorten
My old friends stopped by and we had a real ……………………… (gab)gabfest
She was known to all and ……………………… as Bella.(dry)sundry
The inflation lead poor people into consumerist ……………………… (sand)quicksand
Londoners have long been ……………………… proud of a health service that does not serve them well. (verse)perversely
If you encounter negative mood, try to ……………………… it into something good. This time, I used a little alchemy, turning the sensation into lung capacity. (channel)rechannel
After why liking her, what dare often do, but after the thing goes, do not feel how ……………………… again however? (credit)recreant
AXJ's growth will likely slow meaningfully, possibly even ……………………… our own forecasts. (shoot)undershoot
We can ……………………… our timescale of the circulation by looking at the changes in density surface of the salinity minimum. (robust)corroborate
Another worry is that nuclear material from ……………………… nuclear power plants and dismantled nuclear weapons might end up in the wrong hands. (function)defunct
attempts to ……………………… his playing simply because of his popularity are misplaced but regrettably widespread. (n1gg3r)denigrate
He was a self-opinionated, ……………………… tyrant, and he was the last man she should want to tangle with. (bear)overbearing
The instruction manual includes a section on ……………………… to help you with any simple problems you might have with the television. (shoot)troubleshooting
The book presents the ……………………… of a dull middle-aged woman remembering the riveting thoughts she once had. (drama)psychodrama
Barbara looked increasingly ……………………… as defeat loomed. (cast)downcast
He……………………… that man for snobbishness and was unwilling to talk to him. (dainty)disdained
A(n) ……………………… is an angel at the highest rank. (angel)archangel
Lots of young couples do not use ……………………… on their first time, and many do not use it at all. (conception)contraception
The management body was set up in order to …………………………… construction of the railway system. (SEE)oversee (v): to watch somebody/something and make sure that a job or an activity is done correctly
He considered himself the best in our class, but his recent scores in the examination has ……………………………. him of that notion. (ABUSE)Disabused (v): to tell somebody that what they think is true is, in fact, not true
The government is now faced with the …………………………… problems of unemployment. (SUPER)Insuperable (adj): that cannot be dealt with successfully
We have our ……………………………advertising department; therefore, we don't need to hire other companies to publish the materials. (HOUSE)in-house (adv): within a company or an organization
The speaker had to break off midway in his long speech on agrarian revolution owing to the chorus of ………………………….. (CALL) erupting from his audience.Catcall (n): a noise or shout expressing anger at or criticism of somebody who is speaking or performing in public
Mr. Lavrov, when asked about the violation of the previous …………………………..(FIRE) among the belligerents, refused to point out who was to blame for.Ceasefire: a time when enemies agree to stop fighting, usually while a way is found to end the fighting permanently
…………………….. (MASCULINE) by his Achilles heel, Tom was bitterly defeated by his opponent.Emasculate (v): to make somebody/something less powerful or less effective
When the bomb went out, Mr. Mohamad was laying quiet, ………………………..(INSOMNIA) on the bed beside the entrance after a long day full of all the drudgery.Somnolent: almost asleep
Suffering from ……………..……….. (PHOBIC) has made many people desperately struggle to be in confined spaces.Claustrophobia: an extreme fear of being shut in a small place; the unpleasant feeling that a person gets in a situation that limits them
"We regret to say that", the doctor sadly informed his patient. "once the ………………………….. (VENOM) has begun, you are bound to die a painful death."Evenomation: the name given to the injection of venom (the poisonous secretion of an animal) into a person's body, usually by a bite or sting.
The coffee shop named Den Da is decorated with a jazzy panoramic ceramic picture, impressing the guests by its …………………………..(CHROMA).Polychromatism: showing a variety or a change of colors : multicolored
A large number of people would not have suffered from cancers if they had paid attention to their body changes during the early stages of ………………………….. (GENESIS).Carcinogenesis: The process by which normal cells are transformed into cancer cells.
The distribution of nonideal fish communities can be roughly calculated by the …………………….. (METER) of suitable variables.Parameterization: a mathematical process consisting of expressing the state of a system, process or model as a function of some independent quantities called parameters.
Pythagoras, with a great many of important mathematical discoveries in such an early stage of human civilization, made a name for himself as a ………………………….. (GENITAL) of Greek mathematics.Primogenitor: a forefather; ancestor.
Their relationship was … and they saw each other off and on. (TEMPEST)tempestuous
Although the professor’s lectures were regarded by many as so ____that they regularly put students to sleep, he ignored all criticism and refused to make any changes. (WEARY)wearisome
The baseball player’s malice toward the referee was revealed in his _____ remarks to the media, which almost ruined the referee’s career. (spite)spiteful behaving in an unkind way in order to hurt or upset somebody
The rain had … when we left the party. (SLACK)slackened
Several dead birds had been washed…………………………. (SHORE)ashore
Similar changes are happening……………………….. . (INDUSTRY)industry-wide
Some experiences in early life have………………………….effects. (ERADICATE)ineradicable
The last recession…………………………the economy. (VITAL)devitalized
A strike is unlikely, but some forms of…………………………are being considered. (OPERATE)NON-COOPERATION
Like many……………………of his generation, he was fascinated by the internet. (TECHNOLOGY)TECHNOPHILES
Although Zachary is much too inexperienced for the managerial position, he is a willful young man and _____ refuses to withdraw his application (obduracy )obdurately in a way that shows that you refuse to change your mind or your actions in any way
Her fashion sense was usually described as ______, but on the night of the party, Tanya’s outfit was uncharacteristically modest. (flame)flamboyant brightly coloured and likely to attract attention
The … of the Prince of Wales took place in 1969. (INVEST)investiture
What is your opinion about the … powers of certain substances? (RECUPERATE)recuperative
This book … the political parties in 18th century England. (SATIRE)satirizes
The future of Africa can be ensured only by … cooperation. (RACE)interracial
He has gained the … over all his rivals. (ASCEND)ascendancy
Raincoats are made of … material. (PERMEATE)impermeable
Your performance is undoubtedly … (MERIT)meritorious