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Questions and Answers List

level questions: PROKARYOTES

Sugar-coat It surrounds the prokaryotic cells. Composed of extracellular polysaccharide (EPS)Glycocalyx
Function of glycocalyx1 Attachment to host cells 2 Source of nutrition 3 Prevent dehydration 4 Escape host immune system
2 ways to describe glycocalyx1 Capsule 2 Slime Layer
Glycocalyx that is organized and is firmly attached to the cell wall gram stainingCapsule
A term for glycocalyx if the glycocalyx is unorganized and is loosely attached to the cell wallSlime Layer
About half of all-known bacteria are motile and they usually useFlagella
Types of flagella1 Monotrichous 2 Amphitrichous 3 Lophotrichous 4 Peritrichous
Has a single-polar flagellum at one endMonotrichous
It has 2 polar flagella; one at each end. Give an exampleAmphitrichous Ex. Spirillum.
It has 2 or more flagella at one or both ends. ExampleLophotrichous Ex. Pseudomonas species.
Basic parts of a Flagella:1 Filament (Outermost) 2 Hook (Wider segment) 3 Basal Body (a set of rings)
Movement of a cell toward or away from a particular stimulus.Taxis Types Chemotaxis (chemical stimulus) Phototaxis (light stimulus)
1 a variation or a way to distinguish species of gram-negative bacteria. 2 used to identify important pathogens.1 Serovar 2 H antigen
A strain the causes the food-borne epidemic or the bloody diarrhea.E. coli 0157:H7
1 A bundle of fibers that are anchored at ends of the cells beneath the sheath. Similar structure with flagella 2 Rotation of this produces a __1 Axial Filaments or endoflagella 2 corkscrew or spiral motion
Hair-like appendages that are shorter, straighter, and thinner than the flagella attachment rather than motilityFimbriae and Pili
1 Axial filament is found in __ 2 Fimbriae is found in __1 Spirochetes, Treponema pallidum 2 Neisseria gonorrhoeae
This causes syphilis which is a sexually transmitted diseaseTreponema pallidum
causes gonorrhea that is a sexually-transmitted disease.Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Bacteria can attach to broth surface via fimbriae, forming a film-like layer calledpellicle
They are longer than the fimbriae Attach two cells together, and allow the transfer of genetic material (DNA) between cells.Conjugation or sex pili
The Cell Wall function1 Maintains characteristic shape of cell. 2 Prevents the cell from bursting when fluids flow into the cell by osmosis. - It contributes to the bacterial ability to causes disease. - Site of action of some antibiotics
Cell wall is composed ofPeptidoglycan or murein