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level: Cosmology

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Cosmology

describe the big bang theorythe big bang theory model states that all the matter that exists was at one time compressed into a single point around 13. 8 billion years ago, the big bang distributed all the matter evenly in all directions, the the matter started to clump together, attracted by gravity, to form the stars and galaxies that we see today. The expansion generated by the big bang was great enough to overcome gravity
what evidence do we have for the big bang theory?the big bang theory predicts that as the universe expanded, it cooled. Cosmic microwave background radiation has been detected in space as evidence of this cooling. observation of distant stars show what is called a red shift in their colour spectrum. This red shift in galaxies is evidence that galaxies are moving away from us, indicating that they are moving away from a single point where the big bang occurred
how old is the earth estimated to bearound 13.8 billion years old
What is a light yearthe distance that light travels in one year measured in metres
what is the speed of light in a vacuum3x10^8ms-1
how can you calculate distance when given number of light years and time takendistance = speed x time where speed is the speed of light time is the time taken in seconds
what is white light made up ofa range of colours red orange yellow green blue indigo violet these colours can be separated by splitting white light with a glass prism to obtain a spectrum
what is the relationship between frequency of a visible light wave and how much it is refracted byhigher frequency colours of light are refracted more than lower frequency colours of light violet is refracted the most and red light the least
what is a spectroscope used fora spectroscope uses a prism to display the colours that make up a source of light
using a spectroscope, from what kind of light could we obtain a continous spectrum?a source of white light
how could we identify the elements present in stars from its line spectrumeach element in the periodic tale produces a unique line spectrum when heated, consisting of specific colours at specific wavelengths seen as their bands by analysing the line spectrum that came from sources of light like stars, we can determine the chemical elements that make up that star
what is a telescopedevice used to observe the universe
what are optical telescopes used forused to observe visible light from space small ones allow amateurs to view the night sky relatively cheaply, but large ones are for for professional astronomers to use
name some disadvantages of optical telescopesthey can only be sued at night they cannot be used if the weather is poor or cloudy
what are radio telescopes used fordetail radio waves coming from space
what are the advantages and disadvantages of radio telescopes compared to optical telescopesthey are large and expensive but they can be used in bad weather because radio waves are not blocked by the clouds, as they pass through the atmosphere they can also be used in daytime or at night
what are x ray telescopes used toobserve the x ray region of the electromagnetic spectrum
name disadvantages of x ray telescopesx rays are blocked by the earths atmosphere so x ray telescopes need to be at high altitude, flown in balloons or carried in satellites above the earths atmosphere
what are space telescopes used forto detect objects in the universe that emit electromagnetic radiation such as infrared x-rays and gamma rays which are blocked by the earths atmosphere
what are the advantages and disadvantages of space telescopesthey are difficult and expensive to launch and maintain if anything goes wrong, sometimes only astronauts can repair them however they can observe the whole sky and operate at night and day time