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level: different types of observations

Questions and Answers List

level questions: different types of observations

What is participant observation?It is when the observer is involved in the group that they are observing
What is non-participant observation?The observer watches and records the behavior of the group without being actively involved.
What is covert observation?Participants are unaware that they are being observed
What is overt observation?When participants know that they are being observed
What is naturalistic observation?An observation that is conducted in an everyday environment where the behavior that is being studied is normally seen.
What is controlled observation?An observation carried out in a controlled or labatory environment
What is inter-rater reliability ?When more than one observer codes behavior and their results are checked for consistency.
Strength of observations?The reliability can be checked by inter-rater reliability as long as both observers use the same checklist.
Weakness of observations?The observed behavior may not be clearly defined on the checklist / or the observer is not trained properly and this could lead to invalid results.
Strength of naturalistic observation?Takes place in a natural setting and no manipulation by observer means high ecological validity.
Weakness of naturalistic observation?Observers may interpret the behavior in different ways, so the results are subjective
Strength of controlled observation?Due to the control of extraneous variables, should produce valid results
Weakness of controlled observation?Lack ecological validity due to the artificial nature of the controlled environment
Strength of non-participant observation?Easier to record behavior covertly seeing as the observers are not participating, the results should be valid
Weakness of non-participant observation?More objective as they are not involved in the situation, only looking in
Weakness of participant observation?Observer can become too involved, the results can be affected by observer bias
Weakness of participant observation?Ppt's can change their behavior if they know they are being observed, this can effect the validity of the results.