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level: CV system

Questions and Answers List

level questions: CV system

3 functions of the CV system?-to transport blood and oxygen around the body -to clot open wounds with a protein called fibrin -to regulate the body's temperature, this can be done by sweating
Where does blood return from?Deoxygenated blood returns through the inferior and superior vena cava and into the heart
How does deoxygenated blood get to the lungs?Goes through right atrium, through tricuspid valve to right ventricle, then pulmonic valve to the pulmonary artery to the lungs
How does the oxygenated blood get to the lungs to the rest of the body?Returns to heart through pulmonary vein and into left atrium, down bicuspid valve and into left ventricle. Through aortic valve and to the aorta to the rest of the body.
What is the one component that makes up blood?Red blood cells: contain hemoglobin which helps to carry oxygen and also removes carbon dioxide. Very small and lacks a nucleus to have more space for oxygen
What is the one component that makes up blood?White blood cell - protect the body against illnesses, part of the immune system and is the largest cell in the body. Create lymphocytes that creates antibodies to fight infections.
What is the one component that makes up blood?Platelets: used to clot blood when there is a open cuts. use fibrin to clot the blood, which then dissolves later into the blood plasma.
What is the one component that makes up blood?Plasma - carries water, salt and enzymes around the body. Main function is to take nutrients, hormones and proteins to parts of the body that needs it. Cells will also put waster product into it.
What is the characteristics of arteries?Used to transport nutrient-rich blood and oxygenated blood around the body to organs and tissues. They are blood vessels.
What are the characteristics of veins?Return deoxygenated blood back to heart, valves in the veins prevent backflow of blood
What are the characteristics of capillaries?Smallest vessel i the body, oxygen and carbon dioxide passes through capillaries. Used to exchange materials between blood and tissue cells.