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Leaders collaborate with the team and do anything the team does when needed.Servant Leadership
Meetings used to organize large projects with scrum masters from different teams.Scrum of Scrums
Naturally formed teams that interact with minimal management supervision.Self-Organizing Team
Numerical data used for analysis.Quantitative
Originated in Japan as a way to understand learning and mastery, Shu – obeying the rules, Ha - consciously moving away from the rules, and Ri – consciously finding an individual path.Shu-Ha-Ri Model
Project Management InstitutePMI
Project Management Professional credential.PMP
Requirements are in the form of user stories, and collected at a high level to estimate a budget.Requirements at a High Level
Resistant to change that requires heavy planning and sequential, traditional approach.Waterfall
Return on Investment- The return an organization makes on an investment expressed by a percentage.ROI
Team members asked to define reasons of a project’s failure and to identify causes of failure missed in previous analyses.Pre-Mortem
Team members function in a way that is collaborative to complete tasks and reach a common goal, mostly achieved with strong communication.Teamwork
Technical decisions a team chooses to not implement currently, but must do so or face difficulty in the future.Technical Debt
The active involvement of users in the development cycle of a project so team members can receive feedback about the user’s requirements.Users Involvement
The difference between the planned and actual performance.Productivity Variation
The effectiveness of production, usually measured with output per unit of input.Productivity
The feeling of workers when their needs are fulfilled. Known as motivators.Satisfaction
The known features for a project.Product Backlog
The leader that helps the team to follow Scrum methodology.Scum Master
The likelihood that the risk will occur.Risk Probability
The measurement of how far apart data is from each other.Variance
The number of story points completed during iteration, and used to determine the planned capacity.Team Velocity
The ratio of earned value to planned value. EV/PV=SPI.Schedule Performance Index
The role of a team member that writes the code, a role used in XP.Programmer
The smaller jobs to fulfill a user story, usually divided among team members.Tasks
The specifications and requirements of product or service measured against the standard product or service in the industry.Quality
The team’s work and progress must be transparent to all stakeholders.Visibility
The total number of features that a team delivers in iteration.Velocity
The uncertainty of an unwanted outcome related to the project.Risk
The uncontrolled changes or growth in a project’s scope which goes beyond the initial agreement.Scope Creep
The way to make sure that the product is acceptable to the customer.Validation
The worth of a product, project, or service.Value
These tests are used for continuous feedback to achieve quality improvement and assurance.Unit Testing
This analysis provides trends that will occur in the future to help control and implement continuous improvement.Trend Analysis
This cycle tends to be long and requires a lot of advanced planning.Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
This occurs when requirements for the specification are incomplete or conflicting.Specification Breakdown
This spike helps the team remove major risks, and if the spike fails every approach possible, the project is defined as “fast failure”.Risk-Based Spike
This team has the capability to make their own decisions, empowerment, mutual accountability, and collective ownership of a project, which leads them to be more productive and efficient.Self-Directing Team
To adjust working code to improve functionality and conservation.Refactoring
To allow communication between parties so their concerns and perspectives are given for effective feedback.Two-Way Communication
To allow the PO or customer determine which function to implement first based on the value it delivers.Value-Based Prioritization
To analyze the consequences of the risk if they occur based on their probability.Risk Impact
To divide the planning phase into stages.Rolling Wave Planning
To ensure stakeholders remain informed and that the achievement of their needs are met.Stakeholder Management
To ensure the product meets requirements and specifications.Verification
To estimate the size of a story in comparison with another story.Relative Sizing
To investigate beyond the symptoms of the problem and to understand the root cause of the problem.Root Cause Analysis
To limit work-in-progress so a team can do the following: maintain focus on completing work, maintaining quality, and delivering value.WIP Limits
To maximize value through incremental work in order to gain competitive advantage.Positive Value
To perfect agile processes for a particular project and environment.Process Tailoring
To prioritize work and estimate effort required by creation of a release plan in XP.Planning Game
To realize the values needed to deliver a project.Value-Driven Delivery
To review the requirements so they fulfill the needs and priorities of stakeholders.Requirements Review
To set a fixed delivery date for a project or release.Time-boxing
To show everyone’s involvement and progress to the entire team.Transparency
When the team collaborates to focus on a single user story.Swarming
When the team discusses the requirements that will fulfill the customer’s needs.Team Participation
Work cycle in smaller, quick iterations than traditional.Plan-Do-Check-Act
Work that is isolated.Silo
Work-In-Progress- Stories that have started, which are displayed in workflows to show progress and what still needs to be completed.WIP