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B2 HSK 4/5 grammar

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Amy Hopkins

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Dad is so angry. You're in trouble.

爸爸 气 得 不得了,你 要 倒霉 啦

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B2 HSK 4/5 grammar - Detalles



129 preguntas
Dad is so angry. You're in trouble.
爸爸 气 得 不得了,你 要 倒霉 啦
Her mother just passed away, she was terribly sad
她的 妈妈 刚 去世, 她 难过 得 不得了
He's so hot now, everyone knows him.
他 现在 火 得 不得了,每个人 都 知道 他 。
There are too many cars now, the roads are too congested
现在 车 太 多 ,路上 堵 得 不得了
I really like this dress
这 件 衣服 ,我 喜欢 得 不得了
I'm so good, you don't have to worry about me.
我 好 得 很 ,你 不用 为 我 担心 。
You don't think it's good? I think it was delicious.
你 觉得 不 好吃 ?我 觉得 好吃 得很 。
This place is very beautiful and I highly recommend you to go.
这 个 地方 漂亮 得 很,非常 推荐 你 去 。
Get away from me! I'm so annoyed right now!
离 我 远 点儿 !我 现在 烦 得很!
He is a selfish man who never thinks of others.
他 这 个 人 自私 得 很,从来 不 为 别人 考虑。
The jeans seem to be a little short.
这 条 牛仔裤 好像 短 了 点儿。
That place is a little far away from my house.
那个 地方 离 我 家 远 了 一点儿。
This red packet he gave me seems a little short.
他 给 的 这个 红包 好像 少 了 点儿
Don't you care a little too much?
你 管 得 是 不 是 多 了 点儿 ?
This dish is a bit salty, can I change it?
这 道 菜 咸 了 点儿 ,可以 换 一 盘 吗?
She is a full-time mother and she has plenty of time
她 是 全职 妈妈 ,有的是 时间
I'm a big man with plenty of strength.
我 一 个 大男人 ,有的是 力气
In a city as big as Shanghai, there are plenty of job opportunities.
上海 这么 大 的 城市 ,工作 机会 有的是 。
There are plenty of such resources online.
这样 的 资源 网上 有的是。
Don't worry, there are plenty of men in the world, and you can find another one if you break up.
别 担心 , 世界 上 男人 有的是 ,分手 了 还 可以 再 找 。
I miss my mom so much, sometimes I can see her.
我 很 想 妈妈 ,有时候 我 都 能 看见 她 。
I can even smell the fragrance of bread.
我 都 能 闻见 面包 的 香味 。
I know you so well, I can even tell what you're going to do next.
我 对 你 太 了解 了 ,我 都 能 知道 你 下 一步 要 做 什么
I can imagine all the things you said.
你 说的 那些 我 都 能 想象 得到。
You're here already, don't be in a hurry to leave.
来 都 来 了 , 就 先 别 急着 走 了 。
Go all the way, it's fun.
去 都 去 了 , 就 好好 玩 吧。
Say what you want to, just don't spill secrets
说 都 说 了 , 就别说这是什么秘密了
It's your fault for not bringing an umbrella.
都 怪 你,出门 不 带 伞。
It's all your fault for making me run so far.
都 是 你,害 我 跑 这么 远。
It's your fault for not booking the seats in advance.
都 怨 你,不 提前 订好 座位。
This kid is so smart!
这个 小孩 还 真 聪明 !
He studied abroad, but his English is so bad!
还 留 过 学 呢 ,英语 这么 差 !
It's your fault, but you're still angry.
都 怪 你 ,你 还 生气 呢 。
What a good friend... You say bad things about me every day.
还 好朋友 呢 ,天天 说 我 坏话 。
What a big boss! He is not generous at all.
还 大 老板 呢 ,一点 也 不 大方 。
You even complimented me on my Chinese yet you corrected me on every word I said.
还 夸 我 中文 好 呢 ,我 说 的 每 句 中文 你 都 纠正 我
He's so rich, why does he care about this small amount of money?
他 那么 有钱 ,还 在乎 这 点 钱 吗 ?
Do you still believe this kind of person?
这 种 人 你 还 相信 吗 ?
Would you drink expired milk?
过期 的 牛奶 你 还 喝 吗 ?
It's so hot today, are you still going out?
今天 这么 热,你 还 出门 吗 ?
Do you still listen to what he says?
他 说 的 话,你 还 听 吗 ?
This is his home, he will always come back.
这里 是 他 家,他 总 会 回来 的。
No matter what happens, people still always have to eat.
不管 发生 了 什么,人 总 要 吃饭 吧。
He is your father, so you have to be a little more polite.
他 是 你 爸爸,你 总 要 礼貌 一点 吧。
You've taken their money, so you have to do something for them.
你 拿 了 人家 的 钱,总 得 帮 人家 做 事 吧。
With so little contact between you, you don't seem like a family.
你们 之间 的 联系 这么 少,看 起来 总 不 像 是 一 家 人。
He is so old, we can't let him go alone, right?
他 这么 大 年纪 了,我们 总 不 能 让 他 一个人 去 吧?
It's late. Something can't have happened, can it?
这么 晚 了,总 不 会 出 了 什么事 吧?
It can't have been done by someone from the inside, can it?
这 件 事 总 不 会 是 内部 的 人 做 的 吧?
He wants to take his parents on a trip, but there is no time.
他 想 带 父母 去 旅行,可是 总 没 时间。
It seems that he is not coming, it is so late.
看来 他 不 来 了,都 这么 晚 了。
I see you didn't have a good time. Why are you back so early?
看来 你 玩 得 不 高兴,怎么 这么 早 就 回来 了?
Looks like we're too late. The line is so long.
看来 我们 来 晚 了,排 的 队 这么 长。
It seems that the unemployment rate will increase this year, as the economy is not so good this year.
看来 今年 失业率 会 增加,因为 今年 的 经济 不太 好。
It now appears that things are not that bad.
现在 看来 ,事情 没 那么 糟。
In my opinion, people who do not spend money do not enjoy life.
在 我 看来 ,不 会 花 钱 的 人 就 不 会 享受 生活。
In his opinion, the size of the company does not matter, what matters is that the boss is good or not.
在 他 看来 ,公司 大小 不重要,重要 的 是 老板 好 不 好 。
In the boss's eyes, working overtime is a sign that you're working hard.
在 老板 看来 ,加班 才 说明 你 工作 积极。
In the eyes of my friends, this matter is not so serious.
在 朋友 看来 ,这 件 事 并 没有 这么 严重。
In your opinion, how should this matter be resolved?
在 你 看来 ,这 件 事 要 怎么 解决?
The restaurants were closed, so we had to go to kfc.
餐厅 都 关门 了 ,我们 只好 去 吃 KFC 。
I forgot to make an appointment, so I had to line up
我 忘 了 预约 ,只好 去 排队
He didn't have time to go, so I had to go.
他 没有 时间 去 ,只好 我 去 。
It rained suddenly that day, so we had to cancel.
那天 突然 下雨 了 ,我们 只好 取消 。
The company couldn't afford to pay the rent, so we had to work from home.
公司 付 不起 房租 了 ,我们 只好 在家工作 .
This little dog is so naughty!
这 只 小 狗 可 淘气 了!
He is outstanding! Don't you want to meet?
他 可 优秀 了!你 不 想 见见 吗?
This game is so much fun! I recommend it for you.
这 个 游戏 可 好玩 了!推荐 给 你。
Wow, this sweet and sour pork is delicious!
哇 ,这 个 糖醋 里脊 可 好吃 了!
My sister is so nice! She keeps anything good to eat for me.
我 姐姐 可 好 了!有 什么 好吃 的 都 给 我 留着。
Don't you go
你 可 别 走
You can't say that.
话 可 不 能 这样 说。
You are here finally!
你 可 来 了!
I've finally finished all the work.
可 做 完 了 所有 的 工作。
Stop scolding him, he is a child after all.
别 骂 他 了 ,他 毕竟 是 孩子 。
After all, it's winter, so you should wear more.
毕竟 是 冬天 ,你 还是 多 穿 点 吧 。
It is normal that he doesn't know, after all, he is not a local.
他 不知道 也 很 正常,毕竟 他 不 是 本地 人。
Some of the jokes can't be played anymore, after all, they're big kids now.
有的 玩笑 不 能 再 开 了,毕竟 他们 都 是 大 孩子 了 。
We don't really want to move, after all, we've lived here for years.
我们 不太 想 搬 ,毕竟 在 这儿 住 了 好 几 年 了 。
Although he made a mistake, he is still young after all, so don't beat him.
虽然 他 做错 了,但 毕竟 他 还是 小,你 就 别 打 他 了 。
Although I wear a lot of clothes, it is winter in the north after all, so I still feel quite cold.
虽然 我 穿 了 不 少 衣服,但 毕竟 是 北方 的 冬天,所以 我 还是 觉得 挺 冷 的。
Although I know him, I don't know him very well, so I don't want to bother him.
虽然 我 跟 他 认识,但 毕竟 不 太 熟,还是 不要 去 麻烦 人家 了。
Although my grandma was not good to me when I was a child, she is my grandma after all, so I will still take care of her.
虽然 我 小时候 奶奶 对 我 不 好,但 毕竟 她 是 我 奶奶,所以 我 还是 会 照顾 她。
Although you are divorced, you still have a child, so don't fight when you're with him and your child.
虽然 你们 已经 离婚 了,但 毕竟 还有 一个 孩子 ,跟 孩子 在 一起 的 时候 别 吵架。
If you don't leave now, I will call the security guard.
你 再 不 走,我 就 叫 保安 了。
We will be late for the meeting if we don't leave now.
再 不 走 我们 开会 就 要 迟到 了。
The train is leaving soon. If we don't check the tickets now, it'll be too late.
火车 快 开 了,再 不 检票 就 来不及 了。
The last sale of this year, if you don't grab it, you will be gone.
今年 最后 一 次 优惠 , 再 不 抢 就 没 了 。
If you don't call now, you will lose this opportunity.
你 再 不 打 电话,你 就 失去 这个 机会 了。
I almost didn't remember it.
我 差点儿 没 想 起来.
I almost missed the train
我 差点 没 赶 上 火车.
He almost didn't pass the exam.
他 差点 没 通过 考试。
I almost didn't get the visa.
我 差点儿 没 拿到 签证。
They both almost didn't make it through the interview.
他们 两个 差点儿 没 通过 面试 。
I almost bumped into her.
我 差点儿 没 和 她 撞 在 一起。
The place is too big, I walked for a long time, almost died from tiredness.
这个 地方 太 大 了,我 走 了 很 久,差点儿 没 累 死。
I almost got caught.
我 差点儿 没 被 发现。
This place almost didn't turn into a dump.
这里 差点儿 没 变成 一 个 垃圾场。