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What is Natriuresis

increased sodium excretion

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Diuretics - Marcador

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Diuretics - Detalles



15 preguntas
What is Natriuresis
Increased sodium excretion
What is Kaliuresis
Increased potassium excretion
What is Aquaretics
Net excretion of water
What type of diuretics target the proximal convulated tubule
Carbonic Anhydrase inhibitors such as Acetazolamide
Mode of action of Carbonic Anhydrase inhibitors
Inhibits action of carbonic anhydrase in brush border & PCT cell Can cause metabolic acidosis due to loss of HCO3
What type of diuretics target the Loop of Henle ( TAL )
Loop diuretics --> (Furosemide, Bumetanide )
Mode of action of loop diuretic
Loop diuretics block Na-K-2 Cl transporter which basically means that both Na+/K+ are not reabsorbed which therefore can lead to hypokalaemia
Where do Thiazide diuretics
Distal Convulated Tubule ( Indapamide, Metalazone )
Mode of action of Thiazide diuretic
Block Na - Cl transporter in DCT Increases Na⁺ (and H2O) loss / K+ loss Reduces Ca loss in urine Less potent diuretics than loop diuretics
What type of diuretics target the collecting duct
Na⁺ channel blockers: Amiloride Aldosterone antagonists: Spironolactone
What is mannitol used to treat for
Cerebral oedema Freely filtered at the glomerulus, but not reabsorbed increases the osmolarity of the filtrate Causes loss of water, Na⁺ and K⁺ in the urine
What is the mode of action for Aldosterone Antagonist
This is a competitive inhibitor of the aldosterone receptor which decreases Na+ reabsorption Since aldosterone increases Na+ reabsorption This can lead to K+ levels to increase and lead to hyperkalaemia which is life threatening
What adverse effects can Loop diuretics and Thiazide diuretics cause
Increase the loss of potassium in the urine may cause Hypokalaemia
What adverse effects can Aldosterone antagonist and K+ sparring medication cause
Reduce excretion of potassium in the urine may cause Hyperkalaemia