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Why do some people substance misuse

Pleasure Entertainment Enhance creativity Peer influence Relieve boredom Relieve anxiety, depression, stress, pain

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Course needs 15 questions

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Expresión oralResponde con voz
Expresión oral y comprensión auditivaPractica la pronunciación
EscrituraModo de solo escritura

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10 preguntas
Why do some people substance misuse
Pleasure Entertainment Enhance creativity Peer influence Relieve boredom Relieve anxiety, depression, stress, pain
What questionnaire can be used to identify for alcohol misuse and what score is needed
CAGE questionnaire Have you ever felt you should Cut down on your drinking? (Yes/No) Have people Annoyed you by criticising your drinking? (Yes/No) Have you ever felt bad or Guilty about your drinking? (Yes/No) Have you ever had a drink first thing in the morning to steady your nerves or to get rid of a hangover (Eye opener)? (Yes/No) A total score of 2 or greater
What is AUDIT-C
If the score is 3 or more, continue with the remaining six questions. A score of 8 or more is considered to indicate hazardous or harmful alcohol use, with risk increasing up to possible dependence when scores are above 20
What is some management of substance misuse
Alcohol detoxification --> treating patients with withdrawl symptoms Supportive treatment --> nutritional supplements Relapse prevention --> medication to prevent relapse Psychosocial intervention --> Motivation interviewing , social support, alcohol annoymous
As a doctor what can you do
Making some kind of assessment. Motivating: getting client to consider change (remember motivational interviewing). Offering basic advice if appropriate. Knowing what different treatments do and applying any that are within your remit. Sign posting: where to go for what. Supporting people: into, through and after treatment.
What are the 4 main principles of Motivational Interviewing
Empathy Support Self efficacy Roll with Resistance Develop Discrepancy
What FAST score is needed to be FAST positive
An overall score of 3 or more is FAST positive
Difference between harmful and hazardous drinking
Hazardous drinking - People who are drinking over the sensible drinking limits, either in terms of regular excessive consumption or less frequent sessions of heavy drinking --> have avoided significant alcohol problems Harmful drinking - Drinking at levels above those recommended for sensible drinking, typically at higher levels than most ‘hazardous drinkers Unlike hazardous drinkers, they show clear evidence of some alcohol related harm