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level: Level 23

Questions and Answers List

20211113 - 20211125

level questions: Level 23

schoolhok6 haau6
hospitalji1 jyun2
chinese restaurantzau2 lau4
department storebaak3 fo3 gung1 si1
insurance companybou2 him2 gung1 si1
government departmentszing3 fu2 bou6 mun4
accounting firmwui6 gai3 si1 lau4
factorygung1 cong2
company; corporation; firmgung1 si1
construction/architecture companygin3 zuk1 gung1 si1
computer firmdin6 nou5 gung1 si1
finance corporationgam1 jung4 gung1 si1
airline companyhong4 hung1 gung1 si1
I want try to use a little bit first我 想 試用 吓 先。ngo5 soeng2 si3 jung6 haak3 sin1
Don't know how to read pronounce his Chinese namem4 sik1 duk6 keoi5 ge3 zung1 man4 meng2
folded clothes摺咗嘅衫 zip3 zo2 ge3 saam1
meaning意思 ji3 si1
I know how to read but don’t know how to write.識讀唔識寫 sik1 duk6 m4 sik1 se2
A costs 85 dollarA要85蚊: A jiu3 85 man1
long time ago以前 ji5 cin4
to save; thrifty慳haan1
save someone’s life救 someone嘅命:gau3 someone ge3 meng6
hair(whole body except the head)毛 mou4
China town (Tang / person / street)唐人街tong4 jan4 gaai1
wear/put on the tie打呔 daa2 taai1
again (preceeding by noun)又係 jau6 hai6
a skilled person師傅 si1 fu2
hair salon髮型屋 faat3 jing4 nguk1
....then...跟住 gan1 zyu6
tone聲調 sing1 diu6
whatever是但 啦 si6 daan6 laa1
so strong咁勁 gam3 ging6
a look (appearence)樣 joeng2
same look一樣咁嘅樣 jat1 joeng6 gam3 ge3 joeng2
to open the door開門 hoi1 mun4