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level: PART B

Questions and Answers List

level questions: PART B

赤信号 (akashingou)red light (traffice)
西坂先生 (Nishîzaka sensei)Dr./Professor/Teacher Nishizaka
家 ・ 内 uchihouse, home / inside
お家、お宅 (ouchi / otaku)your home, your house(+) (2 ways, normal and polite)
家 iêa house, home
目白 Mêjiro(residential district of Tokyo, home of Gakushuin University)
銀座 (Giňza)(upscale shopping distrcit of Tokyo, home of kabukiza Kabuki theater)
ええと eeto / ee to/uh/ /umm/ hesitation noise
地図 chîzua map
書きましょう (kakímashòu)let's/shall write, let's draw;I guess I'll write (or draw)
裏 urâreverse side (back of coin etc);back,secret
表 omótèfront side
何で nân deby means of what?; why? (what [do you do it] for/with)
行きましょう ikímashòulet's go;I guess I'll go
行きましょうか? (ikímashòu ka)shall I/we go?
タクシー tâkushiitaxi
電車 deňsha / dêňshaelectric train
歩きます、歩いて (arúkimàsu /aruite/)to walk
歩いていきます (arûite ikimasu)go on foot / go by walking
歩いていきましょう (arûite ikimashou)let's go on foot
汽車 kishârailroad train (original meaning: steam train)
地下鉄 chikatetsusubway (train)
新幹線 shińkàňseňbullet train (magnetic)
飛行機 hikoukiairplane
お聞きします (okíki-shimàsu)[I/we] ask you /polite/
お聞きしたい、お聞きしたいです (okíki-shitài (desu) /-katta/)I/we want to ask you /polite/
お聞きしたいんです (okíki-shitài n desu)It's that [I] would like to ask (of you)/honorific-polite/
おまわりさんに聞きます (omâwarisan ni kikimasu)ask a policeman
お巡りさん omawarisanpoliceman/woman (patrolman)
パルコ Pâruko/name of department store used in dialog/
スーパー sûupaa(maketto)a supermarket
八百屋 yaoyafruit and vegetable store
空港 kuukooairport
こっち kótchìover here [short form]
そっち sótchìover there (close to you) [short form]
行きたい ikitai (-katta)want to go
行きたいんです (ikítài n desu)it's that I'd like to go
これを行きます (koré wo ikimàsu)go along this (e.g. way, road, etc.)
真っすぐ maśsùgustraight
真っすぐ行って (maśsùgu itte)having gone straight; going straight and..
次 tsuḡînext
交差点 kousateňintersection
角 kâdostreet corner
曲がります、曲がって (maḡárimàsu /magatte/)make a turn
左へ曲がって (hidari e maḡatte)having turned to the left; turning to the left and…
信号 shiňḡoutraffic light
突き当り tsukiatariend of the street corridor, etc.
手前 temaethis side (of)
ちょっと手前 chôtto temaea little this side (of)
Uターンします (yuútàan-shimasu)make a U-turn
Uターンして (yuútàan-shite)having made a U-turn;making a U-turn and…
止めます、止めて (tomémàsu /tomete/)stop (something);bring to a halt
危ないんです (abúnài n desu)it's that it's dangerous
台 -daiclassifier for machines, cars
何台 nandaihow many cars/machines?
軒 -kenclassifier for houses
何軒 nangenhow many houses?
十軒 juk-ken / jik-ken10 houses (2 ways)
一軒 ikkenone house
二軒 ni-kentwo houses
三台 sandaithree cars/machines
九台 kyuudainine cars/machines
コンビニ konbiniconvenience store
食料品店 shokuryouhintengrocery story
食料品 shokuryouhingroceries
あっち atchithat direction (over there, away from us) [short form]
どっち dótchìwhich way? [short form]
青信号 (aoshingou)green light (traffic)
赤信号 (akashingou)red light (traffice)