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level: PART B

Questions and Answers List

level questions: PART B

どれ (dôre)which thing? (usually of three or more)
それ・其れ sorethat thing (near you or just mentioned)
これ・此れ korethis thing (near me)
辞書 jîshodictionary (usually one language only)
本 hônbook
雑誌 zasshimagazine
机 tsukuedesk
新聞 shiňbunnewspaper
英和辞典 eíwa-jìteňEnglish to Japanese dictionary
辞典 jîteňa dictionary (can be cross language dictionary)
あれ・彼れ areThat thing over there (away from both speaker and listener or to something that is familiar to both speaker and listener.
椅子 isuchair
先生 seńsèiteacher
テキスト tekisutoa text(book)
和英 waeiJapanese to English (reverse of eiwa)
私 watashiEnglish-Japanese
私 watakushiI, me ('neutral way' lit: private)
僕 bokuI, me (primarily used by men)
学生 gakuseistudent (from jr-high to university)
生徒 seitopupil/student (elementary school or ‘self study')
友達 (o)tomodachifriend
あなた・貴方 anâtayou
佐藤 Sâtou(family name - assistant-wisteria)
じゃあ jâ(a)well then, that being the case
誰 dârewho?
どなた・何方 dônatawho? /polite/
いくら・幾ら ikura / oikurahow much? (the version with o- is more polite)
二百円 nihyákù-eň200 yen
本当 hontoutrue; truth; real
四千円 (yoňseň-eň)4000 yen
一 ichî1
二 nî2
三 saň3
四 shî or yôn4 (2 ways)
五 gô5
六 rokû6
七 shichî or nâna7 (2 ways)
八 hachî8
九 kû or kyûu9 (2 ways)
十 jûu10
百 hyakû100
何百 nânbyakuhow many hundreds?
六百 roṕpyakù600
八百 haṕpyakù800
七百 nanâhyaku700
四百 yôňhyaku400
千・一千 sêň/iśsèň1000 (2 ways)
三千 sańzèň3000
七千 nanásèň7000
何千 naňzeňhow many thousands?
円 -eňyen
千円 seň-eň1000 yen
二千円 niseň-eň2000 yen
三千円 saňzeň-eň3000 yen
何千円 naňzen-eňhow many thousand yen?
何百円 nańbyakù-eňhow many hundred yen?
プリント purintoa handout (photocopied)
五百 gohyaku500