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Forum: Report requests
Two reports needed if possible.

Alberto Massia
Alberto Massia
Prof de langues!

Level: 6
Streak: 0
Hi there! I'm looking forward to two types of report; so I will try to describe both of them. 1. Students Course Completion: Format: Grid exportable to Excel. Columns: - Student name - One column for each Chapter with its name - % chapter Completion for each student 2. Tests results: Format: Grid exportable to Excel and filters by date Columns: - Date / time - Student name - Test type - Test level - Student % test grade - Time test duration If these two reports were available, it would be great news for me and my students! Thanks a lot for all of your great work



Jenai Lee
Jenai Lee
New Entrant

Level: 3
Streak: 0
Yes, being able to analyse this data would be very useful!
Fender Tremolo
Fender Tremolo
Using MEMORY to learn Spanish. Pienso que mi habilidad actual es promedio...

Level: 24
Streak: 0
Hi, We have added "CSV" export for all reports. We are working on native Excel export (we estimate 1 - 2 months 😦). But, I think windows should open it in excel format. A couple of questions: 1) "completion" - for this report, how should we determine completion? e.g. 1x correct, 2x correct, 5x correct. 2) Is the related to the exam/test mode? i.e. You are looking for a classroom report for users in classroom who has used test mode and a report of their scores?
Alberto Massia
Alberto Massia
Prof de langues!

Level: 6
Streak: 0
Hi, and thanks for your answer! Csv export is good news. I try to comment on your questions: 1) I think more than 2x correct per content should determine its completion. 2) Yes, it's about the Test mode with the info about the users in the classroom who have done the test. Thanks so much again for your huge work!
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